October 23, 2014

Gay 'Rainbow Jihad' Put Jesus In Jail!

Media Matters And Right Wing Watch Only

Gay 'Rainbow Jihad' Put Jesus In Jail!

Conservative talk show host Steve Deace is out with a column today titled “

Naturally, Deace illustrated his column with a photo that appears to be a mug shot of Jesus Christ.

The image seems to suggest that gay marriage opponents will be treated like child predators: “Pursuant to S.S.M. 666.66, [prisoner] is a convicted Same Sex Marriage Opponent and lives at this location.” 

Deace cites the dubious Religious Right “persecution” cases of Phillip Monkthe Houston pastors and New York and Idaho businesses to make the case that America is now embracing the totalitarian ideology of “cultural Marxists.”

The generations that pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honors on behalf of American Exceptionalism viewed the rainbow as the symbol of God’s mercy after the judgment that was Noah’s flood.

Nowadays the rainbow is symbolic of judgment again. Except this time no mercy is forthcoming from the cultural Marxists who have hijacked it. They seek to ruthlessly banish from public life any who still believe as those who founded America once did.

See, everything we social conservatives warned you years ago would happen if we went down the Rainbow Road is now here.

The cultural Marxists promised us no one would lose their God-given rights by granting people the made-up right to be godless, but now their answer is “if it does happen you deserve it you bigot.”