Media Matters And Right Wing Watch Only
Abortion Providers 'Monsters' And 'Evil Humans' Motivated By Money
Anti-choice groups are upset about PBS’s decision to air the documentary “After Tiller” next week on its “Point of View” series, complaining that the documentary “
Janet Mefferd took on the film during her radio program yesterday, railing against “notorious late-term abortionist” George Tiller, who was murdered by an anti-choice extremist in 2009, before mocking the documentary for “attempting to humanize [abortion providers] for audiences that might be inclined to think of them as monsters.”
“You know, we don’t need to humanize them,” Meffered said. “They are human, they’re evil humans. They are butchering children for a living. And I can tell you what the motivation is: It’s cash. It’s always cash. And perhaps the inability to find any meaningful work, because well-respected doctors don’t want to have anything to do with abortion.”